Children Are Human Sponges…
They Really Are! As the mother of an 18 month, highly attentive son…hearing him try to repeat the words we speak…and mimic the things we do…is not only entertaining, it’s very enlightening. lm amazed, that even this young, without any instruction, he’s absorbing our lives as we live it. But, it wasn’t my son who brought on this revelation…it was actually my thoughts this morning of a poem that I was first introduced to as child walking by it day after day in our home. It was “The Footprints In The Sand,” poem and I can remember reading it with wonder as I imagined God having feet and even cooler, being able to walk around just like us. Many years later, as an adult, it’s a reminder to me that God has been ordering my steps from the very beginning and even from a child has been with me every step of the way.
Children Our Human Sponges. And our adult lives are often times just reflections of what we’ve absorbed. Let’s take that seriously and live with a responsibility to learn, inspire, love, and repeat, because surely we will see it again someday.